Tuesday 11 March 2014


Technologies that are changing web communications.


The first one that I am going to be talking about is Cloud Computing, this in simple terms is the sharing, and storage of data on web based programs that can be found on the internet and this can be used to store data rather than on your computers hard drive. Cloud is just another word for the internet and this goes back to when flow charts and diagrams were used, and these would use a huge server formed infrastructure of the Internet. Cloud computing is the next big stage in the internet’s evolution as this is being used in a number of different ways. In ways such as applications and business processes to personal collaboration can then be used as a service wherever and when you need to use this. The cloud in cloud computing is known as the set of hardware, networks, storage, services and interfaces that combine to deliver aspect of computing as a service. When talking about cloud this is where there is a delivery of software or storage over the internet that is based on the users demand.

This has 4 essential characteristics. The first is elasticity and having the ability to scale up and down, self-service provisioning and automatic de-provisioning, application programming interfaces, billing and metering of service usage in a pay-as-you-go model. Because of the amount of flexibility it is why this attracts individuals and business to being to use the cloud.

The cloud can be offered in some many different ways, public clouds, private clouds, and hybrid clouds.

This can completely change the way that a lot of companies use technology to service customers, partners and then the suppliers, some businesses such as amazon and google already have almost all their IT resources in the cloud. They have found that they can eliminate many of the complex problems for the traditional ways of computing including the environment the space, time, power and the cost. The cloud computing is not about the hard drive that is in your computer, that is called local storage when it is stored on your local drive, but the cloud is running off the network you are connected to, or the website you are signed into.
For something to be considered as cloud computing you need to have access to your data and your programs all over the internet, and should have all the data synchronised all over the web.
I am now going to talk about some of the examples of cloud.

Google drive is one of them and this is online storage, this is available on more than one desktop computer this can be used on tablets, iPad, phones. Almost all of googles services can be counted as cloud computing.

Another one is the Apple iCloud. This is apples cloud services that is used for online storage, and the synchronization of your emails, contacts, and your calendar just like google drive. All this can then be found on your IOS, your MAC or on the web.

The next one I am going to talk about is AmazonCloudDrive. This is storage mainly for the use of mp3 files that are purchased on the amazon store.

The next one I am going to talk about is a hybrid service the one I am going to talk about is DropBox. This will have your synced data on your devices that all have you logged in therefore you can then access all the files on any of the devices that are logged in.  

Web 2.0

I am now going to be talking about web 2.0 this refers to a newer range of uses for the web which are all focused on interactivity, users content and also information sharing. This does not mean a newer version of the internet but is a way in which that the internet can be used in more interactive ways. These allow people to access their information in a passive way and will allow them to add their knowledge or opinions.


The first one that I am going to be explaining is wikis, this is a place in which all users can then contribute to information. The biggest example of this would be Wikipedia, this is an encyclopaedia website in which anyone can then contribute to the article or they can even create their own wiki.


The next one that I am going to be explaining is blogs. These can be also called online journals, and anyone can become a blogger and can create a blog, these will usually be public but in some cases people will keep them private like a diary. Tools are also provided in which users can they comment and contribute to the bloggers blog.

Social networking

The next I will be explaining is social networking. These will be site such as Facebook and twitter, these will require a person to sign up and then they can communicate and can build up and create profiles about themselves. You can even chat, play games and search pictures on these sites and this will then encourage you to make more friends. These are some sites just for photo sharing for example Instagram and Flickr.

Online applications

The last one I am going to be talking about is online applications, rather than purchasing the program and then installing this to your local computer, an online application will allow the user to use programs that are on the internet. This will mean that they are then more accessible and they are then often free or in some cases they will have a subscription fee. A good example of this would be google documents.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Thanks for sharing this. There are various benefits of cloud storage like simple, unlimited growth, operation, high availability, security and data protection.
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